

Too many chefs spoil the broth by making it bland and tasteless, not by burning it. Similarly, creativity by committee usually devolves an idea from an idea that pleases a few to a watered down version that displeases none.

Writing a book is like baking a cake. You can't halve the baking time by doubling the heat of the oven. You'll end up burning the cake.

Leisure time is like swimming at the beach. You can stay near the edge and enjoy frolicking in the shallows, or you can go into the deep and discover what lies hidden beneath the surface. The former is effortless. The latter is hard, dangerous, leads to more discovery, growth and learning and becoming more yourself.

As the noonday sun dispels the fog and the mist of the morning, making all things visible and clear, so does the passage of time dispel the mist around a man and reveal what is truly in his heart.

Projects die. Process lives.

Love makes any hardship bearable, but cold indifference makes every comfort unbearable.


A Day At A Time

An Advent Poem

Cold Ash




A Decision-Making Model

Are NFTs The Corruption Of Art?

Can The Arts Be Taught In An Academic Setting?

Getting My Attention Back

How Setting Boundaries Sets You Free

Politically Incorrect View On Gender-Based Violence

Ride The Feeling

The Google Crystal Ball

The Many Paths To God

When A Story Hangs Together

Why My Phone Is Often Turned Off

Writing Hear Me Move


Consolation. Desolation.

Keep Swimming

Losing It


When Toddlers Refuse To Be Carried

Who Is Cheering You On?