Why My Phone Is Often Turned Off

There is one dream I had once, when I was about ten or twelve years old, that I remember to this day. I was travelling through a canyon, and when I came to it's end, I rounded a rocky bend and beheld a vast, reddish brown desert that stretched out as far as the eye could see.
My heart jumped because I knew that I was the first human to behold that land, and that it was my job to explore it.

That dream that I had at the age of ten often feels symbolic of the work I do today.

My job, as far as thought work is concerned, is to make forays into deep and unexplored lands, capture strange, weird and unseen creatures, and bring them back to the civilised world for all to see.
To survive a trip into the unknown, the explorer must have his wits about him, always. He must be fully focused, because one distraction can make all the difference between capture and evasion, survival and death.
This is why I think that I am of greater service to mankind when my phone is off, than when it's on.
Reader: Ah, you say that because you're not married, Fidel. If you were married with kids, or had a corporate job, you'd say otherwise.
Me: It's often struck me how some of the greatest civilisations (Rome, Egypt, etc), greatest companies (Apple, Unilever, etc) and greatest families (Joseph, Mary and Jesus) were founded without the need of cellphones. It's downright shameful how we've allowed technology to limit us and make us feel like we can't do certain things anymore...like living for a couple of days with our phones turned off.

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